XBEATS is a brand-new music puzzle game for iPhone

XBEATS IconIn addition to developing productivity apps such as [Pagico->http://www.pagico.com/] and [Presentics->http://www.presentics/], We also love music! So, we recently developed a brand-new music puzzle game for iPhone (and soon on iPad, too!) called [XBEATS->http://www.notes17.com/xbeats/].

The game is available for [FREE on the AppStore->https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/4beats-a-musical-puzzle/id886073438?ls=1&mt=8]. So if you know (a little) music, then [come and check out the game->https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/4beats-a-musical-puzzle/id886073438?ls=1&mt=8]!

Let us know how you like it!


2x2 Grid 4x4 Grid