Pagico 8

Sneak Peak: Bulk project ownership change in workspaces

Rejoice, Pagico workspace users! In the upcoming Pagico 8.7, you’ll be able to easily update the ownership of one or more containers.

How ownership works

A container (project or contact) is owned by the device (or database) that it was first created on. So for instance, a project that was created on your iPad is “owned” by the iPad app; while a contact that was first created on your colleagues’ workstation is owned by that particular database on that device. Only “owners” can perform certain actions to these containers, such as share & un-share in workspaces. And if the owner is removed from a workspace, all its owned data will be brought offline as well.

This design offers users control on the shared data. If you shared a project with your colleague, then you can take it back (un-share) or delete it whenever you want to. However, things become complex when you want to delete one of your projects that was first created on a different device, or when a teammate left your team.

How Pagico 8.7 can help

In Pagico 8.7, you’ll be able to quickly sort all shared items in your workspace by their owners. Then, you can simply multi-select then right-click to convert the ownership to your current device.


This ownership update mechanism, among many other exciting changes, is coming soon to you in Pagico 8.7.

Want to test Pagico 8.7 (and all future beta builds) first before we publicly release it? Just sign up for  beta builds here. We’ll send you an email as soon as beta builds are ready.