
8 things to do before 8AM

The way you spend your morning has a direct impact on how the rest of your day will turn out. Sometimes all it takes to have a productive day is taking the time to ensure you start it off on the right foot.

While your perfect morning routine might look different, it is important to create one that works best for YOU. 

  1. Meditate 

Focus on inhaling and exhaling as your mind settles and your body releases any anxiety about the day ahead. This isn’t supposed to be an opportunity to solve your problems; rather, it’s meant to reset the mind and create space for open thoughts later on. 

2. Exercise

Before your responsibilities creep in, get up and move your body. We’re more likely to exercise if we fit it in the early morning. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, take advantage of this part of your day. There are fewer interruptions and will help you maintain focus throughout the rest of your day.

3. Drink Water

It seems simple, but hydrating within the first hour of waking is a great way to set your mind and body up for success. A nourished and hydrated self will be less stressed and more focused throughout the day. Aim to have at least three glasses of water before you leave the house, and power up with protein and fats to keep you going until lunchtime.

4. Brain Dump

A brain dump is taking all things that you’re thinking and stressing about, and dumping it somewhere- either on a notebook, planner or a piece of paper. The purpose of a brain dump is to help you clear your thoughts so that you can focus on the tasks at hand without any distractions. 

5. Review your Tasks on Pagico

When we’re clear on what we intend to accomplish in the day, we’re more likely to make it happen. Use your morning to map out the day, it will help you stay on track and keep you prioritized. Consider your must-do’s, where you need to be, how you’ll get there, and who you plan to speak with that day. Factoring in things like travel time and any challenges that might happen can be helpful in the long run. If you foresee them happening, you can develop a solution to work through them if they arise.

6. Clean Up 

Clutter is the enemy of creativity. Therefore if you clean up your home early in the morning, you are setting yourself up for a productive day.

You’re able to think more clearly, be more relaxed, feel happier and you generally feel like you’re able to function and focus on being more creative and productive. 

7. Journal

Roy T. Bennett once quoted that ‘what is focused upon will grow’.

So, write down a list of at least 10 things you appreciate right now in your life. Journaling is known to help practice gratitude, reflect and even set goals for the next time around.

8. Don’t hit Snooze

The biggest delay to a productive morning is the snooze button. Plan ahead for when you intend to get out of bed, set an alarm and rise when that alarm goes off, even if that’s an hour earlier than you would usually. The quality and quantity of sleep we receive plays heavily into our success!