
Pagico Plus for iPhone: Two new features with screenshots

October is here! As we get closer to the beta program (late october), we have a couple of new details to share with you today. The two new features are the new Agenda view, as well as a super-fast real-time search panel. Enhanced Agenda View P+ for iPhone will show you a much more polished […]

General iOS

P+ for iPhone: Tested on iPhone 5 and it’s AMAZING

In the past we’ve been developing and testing P+ on iPhone 4 and 4S. While P+ worked very well on the 4, we were happy to notice that 4S had a pretty obvious performance advantage. Everything was noticeably faster: animations smoother, and database-related actions quicker as well. Now, last week we got our hands on […]


Sneak Preview: Pagico Plus (P+) for iPhone

Happy friday, everyone! As you may know, we’ve been busy in the past few months working on a number of things, mostly focused on the iOS apps including both the iPad and the iPhone app. The P+ for iPhone app is something we’re taking very seriously and we’ve spent quite some time with it. We’ve […]