
Pagico for Ubuntu is released!

Pagico + Ubuntu = ?Hello everyone, this is probably the *first* post that is not a sneak peak of the upcoming shiny baby in this week. 😉 This time, it’s about Pagico on Ubuntu.

A long while (you still remember we started doing Pagico on linux platforms a really long time ago, right?) after the development of Pagico on Ubuntu systems, today I’m really happy to unveil the new website for Pagico on Ubuntu, as well as the availability of Pagico on Ubuntu for both 7.04 as well as 7.10.

Linux systems have been doing really good these years — much more user friendly for both the operating systems as well as the applications. I still remember 5 years ago I was playing on a Red Hat 9 system (which was one of the best linux system back then), but I gave up after a week, because although the desktop was a complete graphical interface, I still have to play with the “terminal” all the time (I don’t hate it because I am a programmer. But I don’t like it).

One has to type commands to install applications (you still need to compile, right?), and when compiling, something may go wrong (lack of a certain version of gcc, etc). But who knows, anything can go wrong. And whenever anything goes wrong, you’ll have to crawl through the mess of codes in the terminal window to actually see where the problem is. 😐

Now, it’s almost completely different, especially on systems like Ubuntu, OpenSUSE and Fedora, etc. People spend less time under terminal, more time on work. That’s the way desktop operating systems should be, right?

As we were developing Pagico on Ubuntu, we wanted to make it really user friendly. We wanted to make sure that installing and using Pagico on ubuntu system will not require any knowledge in terminal.

We did it.

In fact, to install Pagico on Ubuntu, all you need to do is download *the only package* which is THE package for all Ubuntu systems (32 bit, 64 bit, 7.04, 7.10… etc), and double-click it to install. So users won’t spend time even thinking which system he/she is using, or getting frustrated because he/she downloaded an incorrect package. And, it’s completely graphical interface from the very beginning to the end.

So, we’re doing the same thing on linux systems: pushing the user experience to the max level. I know this might not got too many points from linux gurus, but we know what we’re doing: making something that works without much effort.

Hope you’ll like it! 🙂

Learn more about the Pagico on Ubuntu.

Special Thanks
Special thanks to our linux engineer Tualatrix who is a chinese guy. If you can read chinese, you can click the link to visit his blog.